public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags twitter & "springnet blogmarks"

23 March 2008

Waking up in Amsterdam!

I did an video interview for last night at about 0200, I’ll link it up after I see it.


SheGeeks is a social network and social media discussion blog. Here, you can find the latest news on new social networks and media tools, technology, twitter, friendfeed, rssmeme, linkriver, web applications, web services and more.

22 March 2008

::HorsePigCow:: marketing uncommon -- a blog by Tara Hunt

by 3 others
This 2.5 minute video is a result of feedback from our fans. We’ve received a number of requests from people who want their friends to use the micro-blogging service Twitter, but can’t seem to explain it well. We hope this video helps.

Home > Tweeterboard : Conversation Analytics for Twitter

Conversation analytics, links and feeds from Twitter. filters out the sxsw related twitter feeds or "tweets"

Item : How to Ramp Up (Or Filter Out) the SXSW Twitter Experience

First, how can new users tune in to the hottest conversations on Twitter quickly? Second, how can all the people not participating in the week long event still enjoy their beloved Twitter if it's overrun with SXSW references?

PR 2.0

Sarah Lacy on Sarah Lacy and the SXSW Mark Zuckerberg Keynote

19 March 2008 | Home

by 10 others is a simple service that cuts out the middle man when it comes to posting to your social services such as Facebook, Twitter, Jaiku, Tumblr and Pownce with more being added soon.

18 March 2008

Utterz - Get Started

With Utterz, you can instantly share your news by creating a multi-media posting in voice, video, picture and text, right from your mobile phone, or online. It's fast and simple, free, and works with every phone, on every carrier.

17 March 2008

Twitter / Scobleizer

I am interviewing Amazon's Werner Vogels on Thursday at under the radar conference. Scoble minute by minute on twitter

06 March 2008

Politweets - When Twitter gets political

when twitter gets political ... looks like Obama won the Texas caucuses and Hillary raised $4 mil today

Doug March » Design, Development and Music Intelligence

With today being Super Tuesday, two days after Super Sunday and the same day as Mardi Gras we thought it would be good to make some updates to politweets.

05 March 2008

Chris Brogan - MyBlogLog

What percentage of your day is email, phone, and msgng? SXSW: what are you most looking forward to doing there? Who are you hoping to see?

04 March 2008

29 February 2008

sxswtwitter wiki

A collaboration place for all of the Twitterbuds coming to SxSW in 2008! Let us know who you are, what your twitter name is, where you're staying and how to get ahold of you. We definitely need to get a drink or two together!

20 February 2008


by 1 other
While we have awesome tools like TwitterVision and TwitterMap that show you where people are Tweeting from, there isn't an easy way to subscribe to Tweets coming from a certain area...until now.

19 February 2008


by 1 other
Enter a word to graph its use on twitter's public feed To add more than one plot, separate your words with spaces.

09 February 2008

HelloTxt - Home

by 6 others
post simultaneously to twitter, jaiku, pownce, plaxo, facebook, tumblr and a bunch more

06 February 2008


extraordinary woman raised about $15 million of which $3.5 million was from angels or what I would call boutique VC firms (i.e. a group of angels under one investment roof). Keep in mind that was all before the bubble burst back in 2001.

Google Maps

googles come up with the killer election map and it's full 'o tweeters

01 February 2008

Marshall Kirkpatrick

by 2 others
The highlights of the post are the link to this Wired article about the economy of screen scraping (great article) and this screencast about how to use Dapper that I finally recorded.

28 January 2008

5 Ways to Find More Friends on Twitter - ReadWriteWeb

by 32 others
five web apps that can help you locate some of the best people for you to follow on Twitter.